Alan Watts The Purpose Of Life Is Not In The Future

Alan Watts: Life Isn’t The Past Or Future It’s Here And Now

I wanted to try a different type of content today. I discovered Alan Watts about 7 years ago when I was getting more into Buddhism and Eastern Philosophy. Many times in my life have I turned to an Alan Watts lecture for some self reflection and insight on the nature of existence.

Below I’ve shared a video that has helped me today:

In this video by YouTube channel Way of Thinking, Alan Watts is reinforcing the principles of living in the moment. When we get too caught up in worrying about our pasts or our futures we find ourselves ruining the present moment.

Buddhist philosophy in a nut shell says, the entirety of existence is in the here and now. All that really means is the future has not happened yet and does not exist. The past has already happened, that moment has passed and all that’s left is memories. So, the only moment we have is the exact right here and now.

It’s not in this video, but in another lecture Alan Watts uses the analogy of a boat at sea. In this analogy we are the boat. The ripples and waves we leave behind is our past. They show where we have been. But, if you go back far enough the ripples will fade away. And, the ripples themselves do not direct the boat. We do. In the same way that on a dog the tail doesn’t wag the dog.

Right now I am applying this in my life to forgive myself for not being as productive as I would have liked at times. And also to take pleasure in the moments I get with friends and family. I have tendency to let my work stress dictate how much I am allowed to enjoy other things.

We all have our little mental hang ups, especially if you are self employed and running your own business. We just need to forgive ourselves, move on, and enjoy the moment.




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